Miquel Parera – TEFE023 | Pluripotential Laundry

Miquel Parera – TEFE023 | Pluripotential Laundry

Miquel Parera

“TEFE023 | Pluripotential Laundry”

Title: TEFE023 | Pluripotential Laundry.
Author: Miquel Parera.Tracks:

  • 01-Paths to Leg Breaks – TEFE-23-2019-03-24-08-29-53 – 00:02:37.52
  • 02-Fireflies in the Cave of the Wise – TEFE-23-2019-03-24-08-36-47 – 00:02:51.64
  • 03-The Midwives Sing – TEFE-23-2019-03-24-08-45-47 – 00:03:42.91
  • 04-Fluorescent Plants Pastures – TEFE-23-2019-03-24-08-51-58 – 00:03:02.04
  • 05-The Red Fortunes and the Black Skulls – TEFE-23-2019-03-24-09-01-12 -00:03:11.70
  • 06-Trip to the Last Border – TEFE-23-2019-03-24-09-04-16 – 00:03:59.26
  • 07-Three Cows Kidnapped – TEFE-23-2019-03-24-09-05-34 – 00:04:12.63
  • 08-Slowly to the Place of the Mushrooms – TEFE-23-2019-03-24-09-20-27 – 00:07:29.54
  • 09-Will you remind me if I Sleep under the Pleiades?- TEFE-23-2019-03-24-09-31-08 – 00:02:15.23

Total time: 00:33:22.49

About The Eternal Feedback of Existence:

It is an acousmatic diary. With the samples and images of each day an instrument for livecoding improvisation is built.


Open Source Music:

You can download the source code, the samples and the images on:

#electronica #idm #glitch #breakcore #experimental #acousmatic #algorithmic

License: CC-BY

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

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