Accasari & Res Magnifica – Split

Accasari & Res Magnifica – Split
[DNA 208]

Accasari & Res Magnifica


A little bit noisy drone ambient, murky, atmospheric and undoubtedly inspired by Maeror Tri works – in this way new split by Res Magnifica and Acassari opens up. This austere and deep drone ambient, sometimes archaic and closed, with slow development is two-tracks first half contributed by Latvian project Res Magnifica.
In the second half of the split Acassari continues to rethink Maeror Tri creativity with his signature dense guitar loops weaving and reweaving in one sound web. Light melodies, smooth switching to distorted guitar chords, their deliberate resonances in emotional peaks и rare breathing of fading guitar loops are expertly embedded in typical Maeror Trin constructions to balance the split’s somber first half.
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