Jose Miguel Candela – Ciclo Electroacustico Panegírico

Jose Miguel Candela – Ciclo Electroacustico Panegírico

Jose Miguel Candela

“Ciclo Electroacustico Panegírico”

My first motivation to start composing this cycle of works 15 years ago was to pay tribute to a group of Chilean masters of electroacoustic composition. His inspiration has permeated many decisions concerning creating the pieces I present here. His influence has meant profound revisions of my own musical language. I proposed the aesthetic idea of combining elements present in the language of the works of composers to whom “Panegírico” is dedicated. Mainly through creative “dialogues” with one piece of each one of them. These are not “variations” or “versions” in the strict sense, but rather personal sound opinions about these creations. Thus, this cycle of experimental works (all acousmatic) responds to the musical reflections proposed by this group of essential creators, necessarily adopting an aesthetic diversity following such substantial and varied legacies. Its creation represented a crucial personal challenge for me since it invited (and still invite) me to question my work along the lines that they did (and do).

José Miguel Candela
(Santiago, Chile. Diciembre / December 2021)

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