Jorge Grela – SCRUM

Jorge Grela – SCRUM

Jorge Grela


Dance and music since prehistoric times have developed hand in hand as a form of ritual, and it is from this bodily connection that music becomes so decisive in many dance works. Jorge Grela from Argentina, is the musician who scored part of the dance work “Manada” by Julieta Rodríguez Grumberg, which premiered virtually in 2021 in Buenos Aires. The sound result is compiled in the 4 track EP “SCRUM”, composed completely for corporal movement, with ambient rhythms that will delight us, making us participants in a flock, in a very profound auditory experience that proceeds from evolution to resistance, with musical arrangements of voices, guitars, bass, drums and synthesizers, passing through instrumental music to electronic music, which will undoubtedly make us feel the dance in our ears.

Felipe Baradit
(Concón, Chile. Abril / April 2022)

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