The Hathaway Family Plot – A Flat Thing

free music | creative commons music | Business Is Not My Music
Hello. I stumbled across your blog and now want to throw my plug at you. I just released A Flat Thing, my ninth album as The Hathaway Family Plot. If you’ve never heard of me before (and you probably haven’t), my music could be described as avant-garde noise/pop from Buffalo, New York. I like the term “garage art.” It’s mostly piano and electronics and distorted kazoo. Some singing and some straight-up yelling. Trying my best to come up with something that sounds new and different and interesting.
All my albums are Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. I don’t imagine becoming wildly successful, so I just want to be heard by some sympathetic ears. I hope you like it.
Thanks for listening,
The Hathaway Family Plot
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