The Caretaker – Everywhere, an empty bliss

The Caretaker – Everywhere, an empty bliss

The Caretaker

“Everywhere, an empty bliss “


Work on ‘Everywhere, at the end of time’ was all consuming
as you can imagine. All work and no play, all work and no play.

In celebration of its completion and only for a limited time*
here is a surprise golden farewell.

Compliments of the house.

Offering you one last chance to raise a charged glass for
those we lost along the way, for all the works, for those ghosts
from our past, for our uncertain future and for The Caretaker.

You are of course welcome to purchase me a drink if you find
this work to be of personal value.

As the old saying goes “I’m the type of guy who likes to know
who’s buying their drinks, Lloyd.”

Thanks eternally for your support.

C’est fini.