Joan Jordi Oliver – Transit

Joan Jordi Oliver – Transit

Joan Jordi Oliver


“During the time in which I wrote this music I happened to travel a lot. I gathered many impressions from these journeys – pictures and recordings, faces and voices, ephemeral moments, fervent emotions – that I craved to freeze in time and retain forever. My second album “Transit” is an attempt to capture these impressions in the form of music. It’s an exercise of memory, or maybe some sort of personal diary transfigured into sound. The materials I collected, especially the field recordings, charged with meaningful memories of people and places, have become an essential part of this work and have allowed me to construct a genuinely intimate narrative. I strove to write a blurred story told by the distant voices of friends and loved ones, to arrange a chaotic mosaic of contrasting impressions, or to build an imaginary space constructed from fragments of real places I have been to. This artificial reconstruction of memory, the obsessive and futile effort of holding onto emotions that inevitably will slowly fade away, gives a new dimension to the music, created from fragmented motives that try to breathe beneath a dense fog of noise and distortion. Organic and artificial sounds, analogue sources, and digital processes are combined in the creation of a complex but emotionally engaging sonic space, while the more transparent structures support the narrative character of the music and create some sense of perpetual transition. Transit is an ongoing journey with all the emotions it carries – excitement and fear, denial and acceptance, uncertainty and hope.”
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