Origami Repetika – With Our Hidden Agendas

Origami Repetika  – With Our Hidden Agendas

Origami Repetika

“With Our Hidden Agendas”

One of the songs that I don’t quite have the voice for and would want another vocalist to step in and give it the kind of vocals the track seems to need. Nevertheless, it was fun to compose and I delivered the best vocals I could

and try again and again
the lesson plan has always
been locked inside
you knew you’ve been ready
for anytime anywhere
and I surely want to see you there

out of our mind into their heads
we’ll be there with our hidden agendas

stand firm
and brave the smirks that they shoot
their aim is off
they were grumpy since morning
you’re strong and know the secret I know
you won’t have to stay they can be the
ones to go

so much for home advantage
we’ll be there already pouring in love
the love they wanted but never knew
it was always growing among them
all this time

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