free music | creative commons music | Business Is Not My Music
Putrid comfort TV samples to induce deep sleep and relaxation.
When quality broadcasting meets quality sleep, dreams happen and homeostasis is optimal.
Implanted memories for a comfortable upbringing and a choiceless maturity.
Objects may seem closer than they appear.
Tape edition contains one extra bonus track. Wait for it.
Released by Spettro Records (www.spettrorec.org) for free download and on limited edition homemade audiocassette tape.
Brand new tapes with worn out overused tape cases. Expect scratches.
Released October 2, 2021
Samples include classic as seen on TV longlasting memories. Available for purchase.
Experience sold separately.
At this site many netlabels are posting their new free releases. Please visit the home pages of the labels to get the free music. The most of the files are published under a creative commons licence.
The old message board: 2004-2011.
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