v4w.enko & d’incise – 27.08.2011

v4w.enko & d’incise – 27.08.2011

v4w.enko & d’incise


“27.08.2011” is a live recording done by two great artists v4w.enko & d’incise.
The release consists of two tracks, 20 and 35 minute long, recorded on August 27th, 2011 at Tivoli 16, Geneva. The basis of this work is made with v4w.enko’s algorithmic forms which are confronted to concret gestures by d’incise. The result is a sublime piece of improvisational work, combining deep drones and soundscapes with live treatments of various objects & contact mics.

v4w.enko is a project of Evgeniy Vaschenko, based in Kyiv, Ukraine and started 2007 as live electronics, working with sound and visual streams. Sound and video streams are being realised in real time by manipulation of self programmed algorithms. Parts of algorithms have simple forms and are correlated one with another by simple rules.

d’incise, born in 1983, is member of the Audioactivity music & visual collective founded in 2000 in Geneva (CH). In 2002 he starded to arranges hybrids of electronic music, from dub to electronica, dangerously sliding to the electroacoustic more experimental ways. His world is made with sound fractures, nevralgic crepitations, melancolic atmospheres and a non-dissimulated fascination for rust and faded rhythms.

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