Efficient Refineries – Crustacean Welt

Efficient Refineries – Crustacean Welt

Efficient Refineries

“Crustacean Welt”

“Crustacean Welt” by Efficient Refineries has been electronically generated during Miguel Ruiz’ visit at Pharmakustik-studio Germany in May 2012 (located at the seaside of Northgermany). The album contains six improvisational soundscapes that involve the complete hardware-and software-equipment by M.Ruiz and S.Fricke who collaborated in an almost telepathic state of mind. The album offers six morphological pools, constantly changing and overlapping in their crustalogical details and an acoustic collection of small or microscopic sound-events, including algae and protozoans floating and drifting inside the stereo-panorama. Beside the deep organic quality the album also involves autotrophic rhythms that were modified by modular plugins and embedded into the subaquatic whole. The time for phytoplanctonic mind-cinema has begun.
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