Jozef Nemček – (KPL019) Jozef Nemček – A New Space E.P

Jozef Nemček – (KPL019) Jozef Nemček – A New Space E.P

Jozef Nemček

“(KPL019) Jozef Nemček – A New Space E.P”

KPL019 – Jozef Nemček – New Space E.P

1. A New Space

2. A Strange Space

3. Endless Journey

4. Quiet Circulation Time

5. Vertical Line

Written and produced by Jozef Nemček

Mastered by Retouched

Cover by Erthouch

Jozef Nemček shows us his “new space” full of good feelings, intense emotions and nice compositions to give a superb e.p as proof of his talent. Very good e.p of this artist who appreciate your cooperation.