Realm – Distance

Realm – Distance



Time for a complete change of pace on Kahvi this month. Guest artist ‘Realm’ appears to be an ambient master, and his 7 track, 55 minute album of epic tracks are created purely to allow you to drift on a sea made of glass.

Slow moving, evolving ambient passages kicked off by the fitting introduction track ‘Celestial Resonance’ leads into a little more Lackluster-esque styled track ‘Mentat’ with floating arpeggios diving into the abyss.

For this ambient fan, the epic ‘Sentinel’ is a track to switch off and kick back, in all its 10.5 minutes playing time, and ‘Self Loops and Voices’ reminds me of another ambient master at Kahvi – Curious Inversions.

Enjoy this delicate wind down after summer and watch out for another epic release next month!

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