Various Artists – POSEV II

Various Artists – POSEV II

Various Artists


Siberian cohesive post-industrial creative association POSEV presents the second compilation of tracks from its members and their sympathizers. All tracks are exclusive to this release and have never been presented before.

Our music is always the part of us, our personalities, and our lives. It describes the perception and exploration of the world. We make music because we have something to say and we must talk. We make music because we can’t but do it. Thus, our legacy is given to the world.

Our creation is a self-decrypting manifesto for ones who want to feel the other side of synthesizer music and look beyond the rhythm and sounds. We are too far from any scenes to imitate them. We’re too original to meet someone’s standards. We don’t do what others want to hear from us. We do what we want to hear ourselves.

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