Luke Lund – Sulkutila / Väännös (Stupor / Contortion)

free music | creative commons music | Business Is Not My Music
TERR112: Bandcamp are waiving their revenue share for March 20th 2020 to show support for artists afflicted by COVID-19.
Terranean Recordings presents a very special release — two pieces from the first ever Luke Lund live performance. Pay what you like.
“Sulkutila (Stupor)” explores the Casio SA-1 tone bank keyboard, emphasizing on subharmonics and resonance with custom analog reverbs and vintage tape compression.
“Contortion (Väännös)” is a composition made ‘out of nothing.’ Sounds from the harmonics of inaudible sine/square/sawtooth waves — both infra and ultrasonic. These are contorted by algorithmic sliding of pitch shift, time scale and noise reduction parameters.
Premiered at the launch party of SOUNDESTzine, October 3rd 2018, Oranssi, Helsinki.
released March 20, 2020
Sound collage, mixing and mastering by Luke Lund.
Produced at Solace in August 2018.
Mastered by Luke Lund in March 2020.
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