bristophe – music for the masses

bristophe – music for the masses


“music for the masses”

Release date: May 1, 2020.

Huddersfield: Mass for Aphrodite Nikêphoros

1 – Bristophe’s Passion (B)
2 – Κύρια ἐλέησον (B + AA)
3 – Agni Deae (B + AA + PAT)
4 – The Judgment of Paris (B + AA + PAT + DB)

B = Bristophe = Brice Catherin + Christophe Schweizer
AA = Alessia Anastassopulos
PAT = Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
DB = David Birchall

B + AA + PAT + DB played the following instruments: cello, trombone, euphonium, flugelhorn, tuba, clavichord, two harpsichords, electric guitar, violin, bass drum, timpani, electric bass, glockenspiel, xylophone, tubular bells, tam tam, celesta, three pianos, two pipe organs, bawu, recorders, bird calls, walls and radiators, etc.

They were kindly recorded by Simon Reynell in St Paul’s Hall in Huddersfield.

They were brutally mixed by Brice Catherin.

Hull: Mass for Baubo

1 – Overture: Demeter’s tears (B)
2 – Iakchos’s Passion, part 1 (B + BN)
3 – Demeter watches (B + BN + MF)
4 – Baubo’s dance, part 1 (B + BN + MF + MS)
5 – Baubo’s dance, part 2 (B + BN + MF + MS)
6 – Iakchos’s Passion, part 2 (B + MS)
7 – Demeter’s laughters (B + MF)
8 – Coda: Persephone’s Passion (B)

B = Bristophe = Brice Catherin + Christophe Schweizer
BN = Bethany Nicholson
MF = Moss Freed
MS = Mark Slater

B + BN + MF + MS played the following instruments: two cellos, two trombones, double bass, harpsichord, electric guitar, Fender Rhodes, tam tam, gong, piano, pipe organ, recorders, bird calls, mandolin, bawu, etc.

They were kindly recorded by Daniel Spooner, Leo Withers, Daniel Johns and Liam Harrison in the chapel of the University of Hull.

They were brutally mixed by Brice Catherin.

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