Svann E. Langguth – Meine liebsten Lieder und Gesänge

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“My Favorite Songs and Chants” is a compilation from 2001. The tracks are a selection of analog recordings (pre-laptop) with a trusty Fostex 4-track cassette recorder produced in the bedroom and kitchen.
The equipment is pure 80s and 90s home recording gear. The instruments are among others the two mini sample keyboards Casio SK-1 and Yamaha VSS-30, the synthesizers Casio CZ-5000 (with the terrific sequencer), the two small Casio CZ-101 and Yamaha DX-100, various sound bodies, drums and drum-like, flutes, voice, radio and TV recordings, noises, piano, a monocord, a ukulele, a modified Dynacord Echocord Super S65, two tape machines – an Uher Variocord 236 and an Uher Royal de luxe -, a dictaphone, tube radio, for one piece also an old Atari with Cubase and an ESI 32 were used.
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