KNARZ Maschine – Acid KNARZ EP

KNARZ Maschine – Acid KNARZ EP

KNARZ Maschine


Next up on the ever busy digital imprint that is known as Psychocandies is the “Acid Knarz EP”, the latest three track single by the somewhat mysterious producer named Knarz Maschine. Opening with “Acid Knarz 3” we see Knarz Maschine on a slightly psychedelic, tripped out Techno tip accompanied by weird, creepy soundscapes seeping through from the offset otherworld whereas the subsequent “Acid Knarz 2” pulls off a somewhat warped and wobbling, eerily shifting variation of Broken Techno both reminiscent of psycho horror and a hyperdark variation of early Knarz tracks brought forward by the (sub)genres inventor Thomas P. Heckmann before the final cut aptly named “Acid Knarz 1” brings on hounded, relentless and well whipping uptempo Techno for rave floors lit by strobes on maximum speed, sending punters to a new dimension with the addition of a whirling, ever spiralling PsychoAcid sequence which introduces the next level of intensity at its first appearance around mid-track and therefore turns this final one into our favorite cut out of the three featured on this single.


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