Various Artists – INTENT 2023: Sehnsucht

Various Artists – INTENT 2023: Sehnsucht

Various Artists

“INTENT 2023: Sehnsucht”

The INTENT compilation series provides a platform for electronic and experimental music artists to share their work and set goals for the coming year, encouraging and inspiring creativity, innovation, and artistic vision from all corners of the globe. Since its launch in 2019, INTENT has become a powerful resource for artists aiming to realize their ambitions and monitor their progress over time. We are proud to continue providing INTENT as a compilation that goes beyond the ordinary, providing a truly transformative and ever-evolving experience.

“Sehnsucht” is the second of two volumes dedicated exclusively to the captivating world of Musique Concrete and Electroacoustic music. Blending the organic and the digital, “Sehnsucht” is a unique, unexpected journey into the depths of sonic experimentation, elevating listeners to an entirely new auditory experience, one that is both captivating and thought-provoking. The works presented on this volume showcase the daring creativity of the contributing artists and their willingness to explore the unknown.

Released January 30, 2023

More about INTENT:

Compiled by Nierika Productions in January 2023.
Image by Ahmed Zayan from Unsplash (February 2020)
Text, mastering and graphic design by LR Friberg.

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