Makunouchi Bento
“Povestea mea 2 (Original Music by Makunouchi Bento)”
These are not songs, but background sonic illustrations, meant to play along with AR 3D animations and people telling their stories. Normally, they are designed to play continuously: there are 3 looped audio tracks, of different length, for each “song” – when played together, the overall sense of repetition is less obvious.
Here you can listen to short, ~2m rendered demos. We strongly advise you to download the album, find the 9 images included in the archive, install the Reniform app on your smartphone and use it to see the whole thing. The texts / vocal tracks are Romanian only.
“Povestea mea 2.0” este o expoziție multimedia care spune povești ilustrate și animate 3D, transpuse în AR (realitate augmentată).
Un proiect al Identity Education. Expoziția a fost expusă în Parcul Regina Maria / Timișoara, în 1 iulie 2023 în cadrul Pride Week.
Art direction / animation / illustration: Ioana Nicoară for Reniform
Sound Design: Makunouchi Bento