Black Square Cloudcast – End of Days

Black Square Cloudcast – End of Days

Black Square Cloudcast

“End of Days”

“Only the hand that erases can write the true thing.” – Meister Eckhart

00:00 Ostensibly Ossified – Contemporary Coma
00:47 Aerosyn – First Kill (Dawn of Predation)
03:14 Speculativism – Future Poem (text)
05:04 Baskyl – Oh, nothing, just a blurred Vision…
08:50 Korin VG – Last Mirage 5
13:22 Exit To Exist – Daybreak’s Lament
36:02 Richard There – Black birds can live forever
39:27 Subterrestrial – Madness at the Edge of a Black Hole
46:56 Muser – End of Days
55:09 SFIAS – Lord, We Come Before Thee Now
01:00:11 Speculativism – Solitude (Duke Ellington cover)

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