Augustus Bro & Gallery Six – The Sun Rises In Thousands Of Lakes And Forests (EP)

Augustus Bro & Gallery Six – The Sun Rises In Thousands Of Lakes And Forests (EP)

Augustus Bro & Gallery Six

“The Sun Rises In Thousands Of Lakes And Forests (EP)”

■ EPV_113 ”千の森湖に、日出づる(EP)” Augustus Bro & Gallery Six

:: free download ::

Title is a combination words…symbolize of Japan words “Land of the Rising Sun, Japan”, symbolize of Finland words “tuhansien järvien ja metsien maa”. We named to this EP from the feeling that want to become a bridge between Japan and Finland.

■ bonus item
wallpaper for PC & postcard (png. data / 100×148mm)

all tracks are written, mixed by Sami Bro and Hidekazu Imashige 
mastered by Hidekazu Imashige 
photo by Hidekazu Imashige 
artwork by ono (elementperspective) 

■ Gallery Six 
:: soundcloud ::

■ Augustus Bro (Sami Bro) 
:: soundcloud :: 

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