D.L.A.M.I.A.D. – Luksus!

D.L.A.M.I.A.D. – Luksus!
[UPL 079]



Starfoods Chips, Serenata candybars, Tornado laundy detergent and Polish Polonez 1.5 car – first brands and first commercials that haunt my meoeries of late 80s and early 90s in Poland, glued to a screen of OTAKE TV set. The first whiff of imperialism, sudden flurry of colors and sounds and…Luksus! (Luxury). And out of nowhere, there is an ASSORTMENT of GOODS everywhere. For you, ladies and gentlemen, samples of memories cut out of memories – rhythmical tunes constructed of nothing else but beats, riffs, stabs and exclamations cut out from Polish tv commercials from transformational period – the sounds of Luksus.
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