Spacey Blurr & Yaka-anima – Cyber Cafe

free music | creative commons music | Business Is Not My Music
All music, stems by Spacey Blurr.
remixed, cover artwork design, additional sound effects by Sábila Orbe,
vocals, model in the artwork: Maire Wink.
(vocals used from original videos of Maire Wink youtube channel)
Spacey Blurr is an experimental electronic, noise, glitch project from Las Vegas, United States.
for more music of this artist visit:
– https://soundcloud.com/spaceyblurr/tracks
– https://soundcloud.com/spaceyblurrvisuals/tracks
– https://www.youtube.com/user/SpaceyBlurr
Yaka-anima is an experimental, weird electronic music project created by Sábila Orbe, from Rancagua, Chile.
websites for more music:
At this site many netlabels are posting their new free releases. Please visit the home pages of the labels to get the free music. The most of the files are published under a creative commons licence.
The old message board: 2004-2011.
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