Humanfobia – The Ghostwave Dimension

free music | creative commons music | Business Is Not My Music
All tracks programmed, composed, cover artwork by Sábila Orbe.
vocals in tracks: 3,6,7,9,11 & 12: Sábila Orbe.
Vocals in tracks: 1,2,4,5,7,8,9,10,13: Mist Spectra.
Lyrics in all tracks by Sábila Orbe, except tracks 5 by Mist Spectra.
and track 1 taken by an excerpt by the original poem: “Cementerio”
by Francisco Álvarez Hidalgo.
Humanfobia lyrics on spanish:
Humanfobia is a dark experimental, ghostly computerized music duo from Rancagua, Chile.
for more music visit:
– https://archive.org/details/fav-mist_spectra
– https://hearthis.at/humanfobia/
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