Alisú – Memorial Rocas de Santo Domingo

Alisú – Memorial Rocas de Santo Domingo


“Memorial Rocas de Santo Domingo”

This creation of this album obeys the heartbreaking need to musically narrate the story of a beautiful place, which was destroyed in the worst way, and whose ruins are currently in dispute. From those who suffer from knowing the violent history that surrounds these ruins, a transformative musical experience emerges, created by Alisú, in a healing exercise that responds to the pain that endures through time.

The music transports us to these unfinished stories, it situates us in a lost memory, a ghostly creation of a spectral place, located in front of the sea. It is not a happy album, but that is precisely what makes it risky, turning it into a sonic adventure within a sad story without end.

Alisú realizes a composition that generates sensations upon listening, creating a style of musical documentary, in which she integrates testimonies of survivors with electronic creations, which interpret and evoke the hidden memory of a place that was created as a popular summer resort during the socialist government of Salvador Allende’s in the 70s in Chile, and which, after Gen. Pinochet’s coup, was converted into the School of Torture and Center Extermination for the dictatorship’s secret police, a place in which hundreds were tortured and made to disappear as opponents of the regime.

With these antecedents, Alisú creates an eclectic album, with sounds full of feeling and emotion, where the most cheerful electronic harmonies coalesce to evoke the memories of vacationers, the distant laughter of girls and boys at play in the sea, the breeze of the wind; and with darker sounds that set the pain of the survivors and the disconcerting calm in the voice of a torturer.

Recently this memorial site located in Rocas de Santo Domingo (In the Valparaíso Region), was declared a National Monument, but it is still owned by the Chilean Army, which ordered its destruction in 2014, and which keep its ruins sequestered until today and makes its visitation and investigation impossible. It is for this reason that this new album by Alisú is destined not only to be listened to in an intimate way, but also to become a piece that creates and complements the first musical, sound and testimonial archive of electronic production, about a place full of memories in dispute, such as the Rocas de Santo Domingo Memorial.

The origin of this album is in the soundtrack of a documentary investigation and an immersive work in Augmented Reality, complementing an interdisciplinary creation that aims to be a contribution to the memory of Chile and to respect the Human Rights of all, all and all.

Pepe Rovano
Documentalista e Investigador DEI UV / Documentarian and Researcher DEI UV
Director Memorial Rocas AR
(Santiago, Chile. Agosto / August 2020)

Dedicado a las víctimas y sobrevivientes del triunvirato del horror, constituido por las ex cabañas de Rocas de Santo Domingo, el Regimiento de Tejas Verdes y el Casino de Ingenieros Militares del ejército, lugar de horror desde donde desaparecieron cientos de mujeres y hombres.

Dedicated to the victims and survivors of the triumvirate of horror, made up of the former cabins of Rocas de Santo Domingo, the Tejas Verdes Regiment and the Army Military Engineers Casino, a place of horror from where hundreds of women and men disappeared.

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