Paolino Canzoneri – Planemo

Paolino Canzoneri – Planemo

Paolino Canzoneri


Paolino Canzoneri is an italian non musician. His experimental approach is an alchemy of acoustic samplings and sonorous fragments, research of sounds and effects that seem to interact in a suggestive way. As a result, the compositions may consist of ambient music, sometimes hypnotic, rhythmic loops with an impression of claustrophobic atonality.The modular synthesis creates sound flows with prolonged dynamics and dilated interlaced by horizontal structure that involves the repetition of sound nucleous, cycles constructed by stacking layers on layers that instill in the listener a feeling of inertia until the end of execution.

Planemo tracklist:

– Spazioporto fuori città
– Planemo
– Sabbia di Marte

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