REfugEEs From Beyond – Live Peep Show

free music | creative commons music | Business Is Not My Music
The Necrophile Humingbird Netlabel presents Live Peep Show by REfugEEs From Beyond
“Queercore for Postcore Lovers”
Improvisation recorded live the 10th November 2024 at the Cave Heaven in Foucherans.
Members :
Master of Ceremony : Psyché Pelik
Disc Jockey : Yoshiwaku Mushotoku
“The perfect soundtrack for your Genderfuck Party !” G.B. Jones
Despite the Artificial Intelligence did not help for the artwork, It seems obvious that this is the Queercore third part of the core trilogy…
Or is it a kind of stand alone episode like RFA for the VALIS trilogy ?
This album is dedicated to Ahou Daryaei and all the unsubdued people like her, because our bodies belong to us alone — whether we choose to reveal or conceal them is our choice. If someone is foolish enough to eroticize my chest, that’s their issue, not mine. Down with puritanism. Down with any religious fanaticism.
And also don’t forget to visit Radio Free Albemuthorsnorme ^^
At this site many netlabels are posting their new free releases. Please visit the home pages of the labels to get the free music. The most of the files are published under a creative commons licence.
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